SINCE 1990
PERFEKTA Company was founded during the years 1990 and 1991. The Company chose the supply of parts for technical devices as the main focus of its activity. The German firm Haigis producing laboratory scales was the first customer. Afterwards, we have been producing supplies for induction flow-meters, luminous microscopes, laser measuring devices, linear motors, prototype series for car industry, military periscopes, pneumatic stop-valves, sporting motorcycles, components for airframes, helicopter flying devices and subcontracting for the textile industry. However, the common denominator of the above mentioned supplies is manufacturing from Al alloys, which has already become a tradition and we have gained experience with shaping these materials.
The essential subject of our manufacture is milling on CNC shaping centres.
687 33 Veletiny 8
Czech Republic
IČO: 10101390
+420 572 67 11 62